Our Grower Relations Team
American farmers are very important supply chain partners to SB&B. We believe that honesty, integrity, respect and fairness foster our relationships to ensure sustainable operations. For multiple generations, SB&B has been connecting the global marketplace with the farmer’s food production. SB&B does not speculate the food market, we only contract what we sell.
Expanding across the upper Midwest, we deliver a diverse genetic lineup that will handle many soil types, disease pressures and maturity ranges. We strive in the opportunity to place the right genetics that fits your ground profile to ensure maximum profitability. We capitalize on providing farmers an opportunity to understand where their food production is going and get paid fairly for the quality they produce
Year after year, you head into spring with the same rotation: planting corn and soybeans. But what if
there was a way to diversify and turn a larger profit, while continuing to do what you know and love? It
may be time to consider adding food-grade soybeans into your operation. Food-grade soybeans are
specific varieties selected for characteristics ideal for the production of tofu, natto, soy milk, and other
soy foods.
pinpoint each step in the supply process, further increasing the value of the product.
unique varieties. Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for enhanced-quality soybeans, and
soybean handlers are willing to pass that along to the farmers.
to marketing soybeans, there are numerous opportunities available, but none quite like knowing
your product is making an actual difference in someone’s life - and on their dinner plate.
SB&B offers contracts that work within your current business operation and is fully invested in bringing
your food-grade soybeans to market.

Christian Owen
Supplier Relations | West Region
SB&B Foods, LLC
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Christian, Supplier Relations at SB&B where he works with the west region of the production region covering North Dakota, South Dakota, and Northern Minnesota.
Christian joined SB&B in 2019 where he managed the scale and helped with scheduling of the processing. In November 2022 he transitioned over to the Procurement team with Scott and Troy.
Christian graduated from NDSU with a Crop & Weed Science degree in 2009 and has been working in the Casselton area since. He lives west of Amenia, ND with his wife Breann and two kids. In his spare time, he enjoys hunting, camping, and spending time with his family and friends.

Troy Berndt
Supplier Relations | East Region
SB&B Foods, LLC
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Troy, Grower Relations Specialist at SB&B, focuses on Wisconsin and Southern Minnesota production regions. Troy joined SB&B in 2010. Initially, Troy was hired to oversee receiving at Identity Ag – Wisconsin. Troy transitioned to the Procurement team at SB&B in 2014.
Troy graduated from the University of Minnesota – Crookston with an Associates degree in Diversified Agricultural Production. He also played basketball. Troy then went on to the University of Wisconsin – River Falls and graduated with a bachelors degree in Agriculture Production.
Troy lives in Baldwin, WI with his wife Autumn and two daughters. In his spare time, Troy enjoys running, biking, and hiking. Troy still hobby farms on his family farm in Northern Minnesota and is a master basketball referee in Wisconsin. He volunteers on his church council.